Your Long Island Counselor, Fran Nachtigall, LMHC
Counseling for anxiety, depression and trauma
Psychotherapist in Melville and Long Island
You are so tired of feeling stuck and trying to figure out how to set yourself free. You know you need help but feel overwhelmed and question whether it is even possible to find the right therapist near you in Melville, NY. How do you find someone you’re comfortable enough with so you can tell the truth, the whole truth, maybe even things you haven’t admitted to yourself?
Counselor for Adults in Long Island
Hi, my name is Fran Nachtigall, I am a Licensed Mental Health Counselor and I help people who feel stuck in a significant area of life get moving! I’m passionate about helping people who are tired of their symptoms of anxiety and depression running their life, uncover what’s going on and move on. I especially love working with people who describe themselves (or have been described by others) as “too sensitive”.
It’s rarely just one thing underlying anxiety and depression, which can make it feel very confusing and overwhelming. You may even know some of why you feel the way you do, but it isn’t helping you move forward. Many people I work with describe having had experiences of feeling unseen, a deep yearning for something they can’t quite get clear about, or being hyper-responsible growing up (and still now). I will help you explore the confusion and inertia and step by step get clear on what you want and what needs to happen next. Together we will navigate the challenges that arise as you begin to get moving and we build your ability to know and pursue your own needs and wants, and say what you really feel, even to yourself.
Clients tell me I am calming and describe therapy as a “hopeful relief”, a safe haven where they’re 100% free to examine everything and leave with more clarity and less judgment towards themselves. We start exactly where you are now, and get a picture of how you want your life to be, or maybe start with what currently feels impassable. I can help you organize and digest whatever you are struggling with and help you move forward towards what you want.
I have an extensive toolbox, so whether you find it easy and natural to talk, or you struggle to speak freely about your experiences, I have the tools and strategies to help you find your way forward.
Contact me at (516) 737-7137 for your free 15-minute phone consultation for psychotherapy in Melville and Long Island.